Almaden · San Jose

We're here to help!
Chabad provides emergency services such as food, clothing, shelter, and medication for individuals and families, regardless of race, religion, or creed. Our services are 24/7 and are available by phone, email, or in person at our address.
Every community has people struggling to have their needs met. Ours is no different. Join Chabad's Community Involvement Program - Loaves of Love where together we will shape, bake, and deliver fresh challah's to seniors and neighbors in need. Loaves of Love is a great opportunity to express your creativity, have fun, and deliver some joy!
Chabad Cares has an extension of volunteers who visit and care for seniors weekly in San Jose from completing tasks to simply visiting for tea. As well as visiting Seniors, Chabad Care also provides programs for those who are incarcerated and don't have family or friends to visit them.
Life includes many types of pressure, strain, and difficult experiences. Chabad helps individuals and families live through their up's and down's in the most positive way. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Weinfeld are available to counsel you through a crisis, personal issues, relationships, and religious issues. If further guidance is needed, we know just whom to get you to.
You can reach out for help 24/6 by emailing us at:
info@chabadalmaden.com or by calling: 408-910-2034